
Welcome to Miss Asia International | 欢迎参加世界亚裔小姐选美大赛 by MAIP

The 32nd Annual Miss Asia International Pageant 2020
Dec 12th, 2020
506 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Awards Ceremony

The Maybourne Beverly Hills
225 N. Canon Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Dec 21st, 2020
Global Final Launching Ceremony

Miss Asia International Committee
355 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90071
2020 The 32nd Annual Miss Asia International Pageant Launching ceremony

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2019世界亚裔小姐选美全球总决赛在洛杉矶圆满落幕,王倩楠获桂冠 by maip2019


大赛决出本届的世界亚裔小姐的冠亚季军,分别是冠军3号佳丽王婧楠(Jessica Wang),同时获得最佳上镜奖;亚军16号佳丽林清怡(Joyce Lam);季军6号佳丽康嘉欣(Laverne Jiaxin Kang)。总决赛由洛杉矶知名华裔主持人杨洋,知名中英双语主持人白龙( Sky Patterson)联袂主持。




2019世界亚裔小姐选美大赛冠军王婧楠(Jessica Wang)



2019世界亚裔小姐形象大使14号佳丽许雯(Vicki Xu)

2019世界亚裔小姐慈善大使5号佳丽孙凯丽(Carling Sun)

本届大赛评选出14号佳丽许雯(Vicki Xu)担任2019世界亚裔小姐形象大使、5号佳丽孙凯丽(Carling Sun)担任2019世界亚裔小姐慈善大使;还有十个佳丽获得最具潜力等十个单项奖。历时数月的第三十一届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛完美落幕。






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2019年第31届世界亚裔小姐选美全球总决赛评委彭沐怡在洛杉矶总决赛现场接受媒体采访 | Jun is interviewed by the media in the final scene at December 12th, 2019 by MAIP

Miss Asia International Global Final’s Judge Ms. Katrina Peng is interviewed by the media in the final scene at December 12th, 2019

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世界亚裔小姐选美大赛执行主席秦嘉豪在2019世界亚裔小姐选美全球总决赛和金女神奖颁奖典礼现场接受媒体采访 by MAIP

Jason Quin, Executive Chairman of AICC,and the Organizing Committee of Miss Asia International Pageant, is interviewed by the media at Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles on December 12, 2019


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2019 Miss Asia International Southwest China Semifinal by MAIP

Congratulations of the 2019 Miss Asia International Southwest China semifinal region. Congratulations to the top 30 finalists who have been promoted today. We would like to invite them to be the 2019 Miss Asia International southwest final held in the Intercontinental Hotel of the Global Center on October 27 In Chengdu China.

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2019第31届世界亚裔小姐大赛都江堰赛区新闻发布会盛大举行 by MAIP



此次活动嘉宾云集,星光熠熠。国际维裁判、博士生导师、四川运动舞蹈协会秘书长、成都体育学院艺术学院院长、中国健美协会体育模特工作委员会副主任邱建钢,四川大学法学院教授、博士生导师、四川省司法制度改革研究基地主任、四川省法学会刑法学研究会副会长韩旭,第九届国际影视新星选拔大赛总亚军、全球最具魅力智慧女性名人大奖获得者、Onion Queen国际奢侈礼服创始人曹娟,第49届国际小姐中国区总冠军暨中国小姐王芊等出席了新闻发布会暨大赛启动仪式。出席活动的还有知名专家、学者,知名企业家、商协会负责人等。

三遗寻芳踪 让世界发现都江堰的美






编者注:文案综合整理自 每日都江堰、青年旅游摄影网、早安都江堰,在此一并表示感谢。

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Media Coverage – ZJSTV News by MAIP

[wpvideo PZMZb58T ]

The 30th Miss Asia International Pageant has been producing at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles

Media Coverage – ZJSTV News

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Media Coverage – PSTV News by MAIP

[wpvideo M80JahGP ]The 30th Miss Asia International Pageant ended successfully on December 8th 2018

Phoenix Satellite Television U.S.

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The 30th Miss Asia International Pageant by MAIP

Los Angeles – Dec 8th night saw the 30th Miss Asia International Pageant.

Held at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles, an early home to the Academy Awards, this even was every bit as glamorous and successful as its predecessors.

Hosted by the American International Chamber of Commerce (AICC) and Ding Yifeng Group (DYF), Co- Host by AMTV USA, LumColor and Vchannel, the 2018 Miss Asia Pageant was a celebration of not only the corporeal beauty of Asia but also the beauty of its history and culture.

This event highlighted a desire from the Western eye to understand and appreciate Asian culture, weather it be the charismatic co-host Jeff, a white American who spoke flawless colloquial mandarin, or the guests from all walks of life who wish to pursue work in Asia, to even the judges, film and tv juggernauts right here in the US who now offer the 18 contestants, all representing a different facet of Asian culture, a chance to shine in a Western spotlight.

The show itself was awe-inspiring at times and energetic at others. The contestants started out showcasing “ethnic fashion” whether it be from their own culture or from a culture they respected and admired. Then there was the swimsuit and sportswear segment which made the audience bob their heads along to the energetic music. Finally there was the evening gown segment where all the contestants looked like ethereal beings coming down from heaven!

When it came to the Q and A section of the show, the judges did not go easy on these young girls, many of whom were born and raised in Asia.

Katheryn Daley, an acting coach and judge on the EMMY’s asked one of the girls if they could have any super power, what would they choose. That was perhaps the most light-hearted question to be asked.

Jerermy James Miller, the child star from “Growing Pains”; Cathlyn Choi, celebrity chef and cooking show host; Kurt Glasgow, marketing director for a variety to A-list celebrities such as Snoop Dogg and Matthew McConaughey; and Oleg Astakhav, popular TV dance choreographer all posed their own questions to the contestants, ranging from “what’s your greatest fear” to “where is your favorite place on Earth” to “what does the title Miss Asia mean to you?”

Daniel McHugh, a filmmaker and animator who has worked at Disney, Warner Brothers and Dreamworks and won an EMMY for his work on “Tiny Toons” – Steven Spielberg’s first foray into animation, asked one of the girls if they were every bullied. The contestant, a native to LA, replied four years ago, when she was only fourteen, she was out grocery shopping for her family and was talking on the phone with her mom, discussing the grocery list in Chinese, when another woman came up to her and told her to not speak Chinese in America. At the time she was so shocked that she couldn’t think of a reply. It took her many years after this incident to formulate a response and if this were to ever happen to her again, she would respond by saying “it is my privilege to be able to speak in parent’s native language in my home country, It is what makes America what she is, a country full of different people with different cultures.”

Anther judge, Micah Fitzgerald, an actor on AMC’s “Fear the Walking Dead,” asked the contestants what is something about themselves they liked and what is something they would like to improve. I’m not going to lie I was expecting an superficial answer, like “I like my nose but I hate my arms.” The contestant, a high school student from right here in LA, answered she liked her genuineness but would like to be more confident. She also shared that this was her first ever pageant and she was shaking back stage but after stepping into the spotlight all her fear melted away.

And lastly, Craig Shah, CEO of CS Timepieces in Beverly Hills and philanthropist, asked a contestant from Sichuan, China, who did not have a firm grasp on English very well yet, if she thought the English language should or should not be a requirement for International pageants such as Miss Asia. Yikes! To her credit, the 20 year old contestant answered with poise and pride. She said for her personally she would like to master the English language if only so she can connect with more people and that’s what being Miss Asia meant to her: to be able to connect with people from all over the world and affect their lives for the better, however small it may be.

Miss Asia started at 3:00pm on the 8th of December and ended a good 5 hours later at 8:00pm. It kept its audience enthralled the entire time and opened not only their eyes but also their minds to Asia. At the end of the evening, it was Jade Polvani, a native right here to Los Angeles, who was announced as the winner of the 30th Mss Asia International Pageant. She was crowned by Holmes Stoner, the Chairman and Grandmaster of AICC.

The first runner up, Zhang Yuxuan (from China) was crowned by Jason Quin, the Executive Chairman of AICC, and the second runner up Kherlen Javkhlan (from Mongolia) was crowned by Charles Dong, AMTV General Manager and Robinson Xie, General Manager of DFY.

DYF, a company whose core corporate culture is based on Chinese virtue and trust, who not only strong sense for market trends but also for beauty and pageantry, has found a perfect event that falls in line with everything important to them – Miss Asia International Pageant.

By Blair Z.

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Co- Host for Miss Asia International Final U.S. – DYF GROUP by MAIP

Nov 11th, 2018 Ms. Xiaoqiu Ma, President of DING YI FENG Group in 2018 Miss Asia International Pageant Final China awards ceremony in Beijing.

Ms. Xiaoqiu Ma, President with Mr. Holmes Stoner, Chairman of American International Chamber of Commerce

Ms. Xiaoqiu Ma, President of with Mr. Jason Quin, Executive Chairman of American Chamber of Commerce

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2015世界亚裔小姐选美大赛总决赛成功拉下帷幕 by MAIP

2015世界亚裔小姐选美大赛(Miss Asia International)总决赛成功拉下了帷幕,朱亚娜(Zhu Yana图中)夺冠,胡静 (Hu Jing图左)夺得亚军,李柏蓉 (Li Bairong)荣获季军(图右)。

美国国际商会亚太委员会主席、世界亚裔小姐选美大赛组委会执行主席杰森‧昆恩(Jason Quin)并宣布2015大赛获奖佳丽名单。获前十的选手是朱悦 (Zhu Yue)、刘思瑶(Liu Siyao)、顾玮婷 (Gu Weiting)、吕雪 (Lu Xue)、路瑶 (m Lu Yao)、韩昕怡 (Han Xingyi)、马儒 (Ma Ru)、吴美佳 (Wu Meijia)、安贝拉 (An Beila)、隋欣欣 (Sui Xinxin)。


执行主席杰森‧奎恩表示,美国国际商会 (American International Chamber of Commerce)主办的世界亚裔小姐大赛,起始于八十年代,是世界知名的亚裔选美盛典,2016年将迎来第28届大赛。
美国国际商会总裁英格‧斯娃瑟勒女士 (Inge Sawerthal )表示,美国国际商会期望有更多的国际佳丽参与2016世界亚裔小姐选美大赛。



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