
第36届世界亚裔小姐全球总决赛在洛杉矶圆满举行 by MAIP

洛杉矶1218日讯,第36届世界亚裔小姐(Miss Asia International )全球总决赛今天在洛杉矶圣盖博喜来登酒店隆重举行。这场由美国国际商会(AICC)授权,亚洲电影节(AFF) 和美国全美电视台(AMTV) 联合出品,以及DJM3艺术教育学校与美国南加州华人经贸文化协会联合主办的顶级盛事吸引了全球目光。

世界亚裔小姐选美大赛执行主席秦嘉豪(Jason Quin),主创制作团队的美国全美电视台(AMTV)总经理、本次大赛的总策划董宏兴(Charles Dong)DJM3首席执行官、大赛总导演沈平(Julie Shen)、大赛艺术总监李敏(Mindy Li)、财务总监谢亚丽(Xie Yali),以及本届大赛主办方之一的美国南加州华人经贸文化协会会长黄冬平(Dongping Huang)先后致辞。


本届大赛得到了众多品牌和合作机构的慷慨支持,包括纽约华丽之美、麦莱光子脱毛仪、旅程杂志、凯皮美容、倾城国际时尚医美、克里斯蒂娜·富尔顿、点火精神,以及卢特康、美宝护肤品、新力教育、钟子磊美国税务专家等。特别呜谢首领航空(Prima Air)和飞马航空(Pegasus Elite Aviation )

本届大赛强大的评审阵容与精彩环节引人瞩目,由13位来自美国、加拿大及全球各地的知名时尚、电影、音乐、舞蹈及艺术界的专家和领军人物组成的评委团队。出席今天盛会的还有,卡斯特巴黎精英模特主任和签约超模王欧文(Owen Wang),演员、企业家和慈善家富尔顿(Christina Fulton )、艺术之心时尚时装周的创始人和首席执行官罗斯特(Erik Rosete)、时装设计师克斯托(Merlin Castell)和杰西(Jesse)、中美时装周及玫瑰公主选美创始人于凯瑞(Kerry Yu), 演员、导演、制片人贾一平(超模管理公司首席执行官、商业投资及电影制片人穆林(Jim Mullin),演员牛琳(Liu Lin)、著名青年舞蹈家刘晓智(Liu Xiaozhi)、温哥华国际舞蹈艺术学院创始人及院长岳莹(Tracy Yue )、时尚品牌投资人和创始人陈玥廷(Chen Yueting),品牌官及质量工程师于秋石(Yu Qiushi)


经过激烈角逐,以及经过层层角逐与严格评审,12号选手尹智莹 (Michelle Yin )凭借卓越的舞台表现力、优雅的气质以及出色的综合能力,成功摘得第36届世界亚裔小姐全球总决赛的桂冠。13号选手于凯莉(Kelly Yu)凭借其优雅的台风与非凡的个人魅力,在多个环节中展现出色表现,荣获亚军殊荣。15号佳丽李燕华(Yuhan Li)、20号佳丽王万婷(Wanting Wang)1号佳丽陈美希(Rita Chen)在比赛中展现了各自独特的风采与才艺,最终并列季军,彰显了赛事的多元魅力。

此外,13号佳丽于凯莉凭借超高的人气和观众支持,在网络投票中脱颖而出,还荣膺了网络人气奖冠军。10号佳丽高明燕(Mingyan Gao)以亲和的魅力和超高人气赢得了网络人气奖亚军的殊荣。荣获冠军桂冠的尹智莹除摘得本大赛的冠军桂冠之外,还获得了最佳礼服表演奖。荣获亚军桂冠的李燕华还展现了她在网络社群中的影响力,荣获了网络人气奖季军。

此外,本次赛事还特别新增了世界亚裔小小姐奖(Miss Little Asia)和世界亚裔夫人奖(Miss Mrs Asia),世界亚裔小姐特殊贡献奖(Miss Asia Specialist Contribution),充分展现不同年龄段参赛者的风采与多元魅力,旨在表彰更多年龄段的女性才华和魅力,进一步丰富了比赛的文化内涵。

首位世界亚裔夫人得主和总统奖终生成就奖王丽红(Wang Lihong)女士作为励志榜样,为女性展现自信与力量树立了典范。首位世界亚裔小小姐米里(Eliya Miri),这位充满活力和快乐的4岁女孩凭借她天生的魅力和活力,与大家分享她对生活的热爱。首位世界亚裔小姐特殊贡献奖得主是资深创意与艺术总监、国际比基尼小姐大师赛冠军薛伊茜(Xue Yixi),她通过其影响力推动了亚裔文化的全球传播与融合,她的努力和贡献为本次大赛树立了典范,也彰显了亚裔女性的智慧与力量。


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The 35th Annual Miss Asia International Beauty Pageant Ended Successfully, by maip2019

Los Angeles, CA, Dec 19 – Tonight, The 35th annual Miss Asia International beauty pageant came to a successful end in Los Angeles,  from the world’s beautiful 20 beauties, on the stage to show the beautiful and moving wind and soft and smart talent, so that the judges are excited and proud of this outstanding contestant.

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The 34th Miss Asia International Global Final Los Angeles ended successfully by MAIP

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29-  The global finale of the 34th Miss Asia International Pageant were held on December 19 at the Millennium Biltmore in Los Angeles, featuring 16 finalists who had emerged from months of fierce competition. During the event, the finalists showcased their talents, fashion sense, and cultural charm on stage, demonstrating their appreciation for life, their vision for the future, and their commitment to humanitarian causes.

The competition was organized by the American International Chamber of Commerce (AICC), Co-sponsor by Uplive  M3 JMK and Keppi,  With over 300 million users across 150 countries, Uplive served as the exclusive online live broadcast and voting platform for the 34th Miss Asia International Pageant. The competition saw participation from over 3,000 contestants who auditioned and competed in preliminaries on Uplive.

The 16 finalists, hailing from various Asian countries including China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Malaysia, were selected through this process. For the finals, Uplive also provided online voting support, utilizing technology to eliminate geographical boundaries and allow a global audience to participate and vote for their favorite contestants from their mobile phones.

One of the closet sponsors include Hekka, an online marketplace that features a broad range of products and is emerging as a leader in the consumer electronics and the real-time fashion industry. The contestants walked the stage in Hekka’s trendy swimwear, evoking a summer beach atmosphere. Keppi’s popular streetwear also added to the fashionable city vibe of the event. The duet of well-known musician Liu Liangzi and American rapper and Uplive broadcaster Chris La Vrar was met with thunderous applause from the audience. The diverse range of sponsors and partners contributed to the success and excitement of the event.

Aside from beauty and fashion, the contest also seeks to promote the empowerment of women. The 16 finalists were asked about a range of topics that were of concern to global audiences, including their views on climate change, what changes they would make if women ruled the world, and how to stop wars. The contestants responded eloquently, showcasing their intelligence and commitment to advancing beauty and wisdom, caring for all mankind, and working towards a better world. One contestant, Miss Cathleen Zhang, particularly resonated with the audience, eliciting bursts of heartfelt applause with her response. These questions demonstrate the purpose of the competition, which is to promote not just physical beauty, but also inner beauty and a desire to make positive contributions to society.

The high caliber of the contestants, stunning guest performances, lovely music, and dazzling lights and beautiful dance performances made the event a captivating cultural feast. The 400 attendees in the venue called it magnificent and exhilarating. The global audience watching the online live broadcast on app was enthralled by the spectacle, with applause emoji filling the screen.

The judges of the 34th Miss Asia International Pageant included well-respected figures from the fashion, entertainment, and music industries, such as top Hollywood designer Merlin Castle, Miss Universe Canada Amelia Tu, Emmy judge Victor Migalchan, and Hollywood producer Patrick Neal. The event garnered significant attention from media journalists, who gathered along the red carpet to cover the festivity. In an interview with the media, ASIG US CEO Christine Xuemphasized ASIG’s commitment to ESG values. “Our goal is to improve the lives of everyone by providing jobs and a platform for diverse individuals to showcase their talents, connecting creators with a global audience. Hosting the Miss Asia beauty pageant allows people to appreciate the rich and colorful Asian culture and enjoy the convenience brought by our flagship product Uplive to global audiences. Participants in the pageant will have the opportunity to gain exposure and experience in the show business and fashion industry, including the possibility of becoming brand ambassadors, performing with celebrities, and modeling for advertisements.” said Mrs. Xu.

Miss Selina Dai was crowned the champion of the Miss Asian pageant, winning a $1,000 prize and a 2-carat diamond ring from PJ Jewelry. The runner-up was Miss Belle Bao, who received a $600 prize and a 1-carat diamond ring, and Miss Yutong Zhang placed third, earning a $300 prize and a 0.5-carat diamond ring. In addition to their prizes, the winners also received sportswear and evening gown provided by Keppi, and swimwear from Hekka. As part of their rewards, the winners will have the opportunity to participate in charity activities and represent various brands, including Keppi, for which Miss Vanessa Phyakeo, the winner of the Miss Asia Most Charming Award, will serve as an ambassador.

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2022年第34届世界亚裔小姐全球总决赛新闻发布会在洛杉矶举行【新闻】 by MAIP

洛杉矶10月26日 – 2022年第34届世界亚裔小姐全球总决赛新闻发布会今天在洛杉矶汉天卫视演播大厅举行。圣盖博市市长丁言愉、前加州参议员夏乐伯夫人、哈佛智库主席何美湄、美国汉天卫视董事长李冀博士等嘉宾应邀出席,并致辞预祝第34届世界亚裔小姐全球总决赛成功举办。美国国际商会(AICC)、世界亚裔小姐选美大赛主席霍姆斯·斯通纳(Holmes Stoner)和执行主席秦嘉豪(Jason Quin)先后通过视频致辞,并介绍了本届世界亚裔小姐大赛分赛区预赛和比赛的情况。


亚创集团在全球有超过3亿多用户,在全球和上千明星网红合作制作过超过300多个活动。明星包括美国偶像、格莱美、艾美奖、MTV奖等多次获得者葆拉阿布杜,首富超模母亲梅耶马斯克,卡戴珊家族等不少有千万粉丝级别的红人。本次大赛邀请了9名在时尚界演艺界颇有声望和影响力的评委,同时也给广大在线观众和粉丝提供在家投票的机会,可以通过直播平台Uplive用手机参赛和投票,第四个亮点是品牌方Keppi公司不仅给参赛者提供轻奢潮牌服装和眼镜,还给前十名提供上时尚杂志Vogue, Bazaar或者Elle 的机会,直达时尚顶端。

今天出席发布会现场的有主办方总策划负责人查尔斯(Charles Dong),大赛总导演M3模特学校首席执行官沈萍 (Julie Shen) 、李敏院长,孙雨婷副院长,联合主办方轻奢时尚健身品牌Keppi代表,以及本届执行主席许汀(Christine Xu)代表赞助商亚创集团美国公司,协办单位及上届主席伊美会创办人黄冬平, 美国留学生协会联盟主席刘正鑫、副主席董智豪、中国同学联合会代表李邦煜;好莱坞导演、制片人米加尔坎(Victor Migalchan)和毕肖普(Andrew Bishop),好莱著名演员女歌星霍尔登(Rebecca Holden),喜剧演员歌手尼尔(Patrick Neal),Keppi公司代表演员模特西多连科(Nikita Sidorenko),以及上届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛冠军陶思航(Miliya Tao)等也先后致辞,介绍了第三十四届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛的宗旨和组织推动等方面的情况。好莱坞歌星霍尔登和舞蹈演员米歇尔(Michelle Liu)也给大家带来精彩的演出,本次新闻发布会的主持人是优秀双语主持人白龙(Sky Patterson)与陈米娜。




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2021年第三十三届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛全球总决赛在洛杉矶成功落幕,六号佳丽陶思航摘冠 by MAIP

洛杉矶讯,2021年第三十三届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛全球总决赛1219日在洛杉矶棕榈泉大酒店隆重举行。好莱坞影视界、时尚界的影星、模特,以及洛杉矶的商贾名流约五百人盛装出席。美国国际商会主席斯托纳(Holmes Stoner)及夫人、奥斯卡获奖导演安德森(Richard Anderson)及夫人美国教育部助理部长张曼君(Mariana Tse),本届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛全球总决赛的评委等嘉宾出席。

美国加州洛杉矶华裔民选官员有圣盖博市长廖钦和(Chin Ho Liao )、西柯维纳市议员吴桐淮(Tony Wu)、喜瑞都市长胡张燕燕(Grace Hu)到场祝贺,并为活动主办方颁发贺状。本次活动由洛杉矶著名中英双语主持人白龙(Sky Patterson)和子涵担纲。

美国国际商会执行主席、世界亚裔小姐选美委员会执行主席秦嘉豪(Jason Quin)通过视频发表了致辞,感谢所有工作团队人员的努力和付出,感谢赞助商的鼎力支持与合作,并对所有获奖佳丽和参赛佳丽所取得的优异成绩表示祝贺。


当晚活动的重头戏是由14位佳丽参加的第三十三届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛全球总决赛。佳丽们经过休闲服装展示、泳装秀、才艺展示、机智问答和晚装秀五个比赛环节的激烈角逐,经过十一位评委的严格现场打分,最终按照得分高低顺序和各专项方面的表现,最终由6号选手陶思航(Miliya Tao)摘得桂冠。

七号选手Shana Hu获得亚军、9号选手Selena Chen获得季军;同时、各个专项奖也花落有家,1号选手获得最佳玩礼服奖、’16号选手Alina Su最佳才艺奖、4号选手Meichea Pu最佳上镜奖、15号选手Bella Bao最具潜力奖、11号选手Fayer Wang最具活力奖、10号选手Sally Chow最佳人气,其余选手则获得优秀奖。

当晚活动除了有电影节颁奖和选美总决赛的环节精彩呈现外,国际唱片艺术家、作家和表演者莫兰(Josh Moreland)倾情献唱了三首歌曲激情四射、嗨翻全场,全场观众跟着他的歌声一起舞蹈;而好莱坞星光大道上明星、纽约埃利斯岛荣誉勋章获得者马达迪安(Andy Madadian)不但担任本届选美全球总决赛的评委,而且上台演唱了著名的歌曲《GOOD FIGHT》,并和本届大赛总导演沈萍女士一起演唱了祝福歌曲。国际著名大提琴演奏家朱亦兵也给大家带来了两首大提琴独奏曲。现场观众不仅欣赏到了佳丽集睿智与美丽的于一身的出色表现,而且还欣赏了难得一见的世界级演唱大师的精彩绝伦的表演。

本次活动由美国南加州经贸文化协会会长黄冬平担任总监制、JMK& M3模特传媒学院CEO沈萍担任总导演。本届活动得到了冠名商和各大赞助的大力支持;同时,选美大赛参演单元的潮童服装及模特展示服装由著名品牌MASAKI MATSUKA提供。

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