2018 Contestant – Ren Yitong by MAIP
Ren Yitong
Height: 5.7
Weight: 120lb
Shoes: 38
Bust: 32
Waist: 24
Hips: 36
Competition Album by MAIP
Holmes Stone, Chairman of the AICC addresses at 2018 Miss Asia International Pageant by MAIP
[wpvideo vCozQkJ1 ]
Brilliant! 2018 Miss Asian International Pageant in Northeastern China has ended in a perfect state by MAIP
Sept 29th, 2018
Shenyang, China
Yi Jie – 2017 Delegate by MAIP
Kai Qi Tan – 2017 Delegate by MAIP
Rochelle Lozano – Delegate by MAIP
Rochelle Lozano, Miss Asia International Ambassador, Princess of Polynesia, a bubbly and old soul, was born and raised in Hawaii, and from a young age, her love of talking and performing were apparent. She was a hula dancer for 7 years and continued on dancing hip-hop and jazz throughout high school and college. As a third grader, she garnered 3rdplace at her very first speech contest, and was selected as a TV host during her high school senior year for a local channel. She attended Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont where she placed on the Dean’s list Magna Cum Laude, then transferred to the University of San Francisco where she graduated in 2009 with a B.A. in Media Studies and a minor in Performing Arts. She competed in her first pageant, Miss California USA, in Jan. 2014, and fell completely in love with the process.
In April 2015, she was crowned the winner as Miss California Icon at the Miss Icon state pageant, and she was thrilled to foster perseverance, along with her platform of spreading awareness on a debilitating disease called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. For years, she has been working with a number of charities and organizations, most importantly the Arthritis foundation, as she was diagnosed with JRA in high school, and was chosen to be the young adult honoree to address the Jingle Bell Run event this December. She has been living in L.A. since 2010, alongside her dog and best friend Pearl, acting in various theatre productions, and pursuing her dreams in the entertainment industry.
Lan Ngo – Delegate by MAIP
Lan Ngo (Angelina), Miss Asia International Ambassador, Princess of Asia, Lan is Vietnamese. She is currently attending Golden West Community College. She is learning English as a second language and she hopes to become an X-ray Technician. She believes that with her skills she will be able to assist the needy. If she wins tonight, she will take this opportunity as a stepping stone to serve locally and throughout the world (especially the less fortunate).
She is a multi-talented actress. Some of her interests include helping others, traveling and modeling.She believes that you should live every day with a joyful heart, have grace and be kind.
Jena Mafnas Serrano – Delegate by MAIP
Jena Mafnas Serrano: Miss Asia International Ambassador, The Queen Of Asia Pacific, Jena represents sunny San Diego. A native Southern CA girl Jena is a junior in high school, model, performer, aspiring actress and professional Polynesian Dancer. She is part Filipino, Hawaiian, Guamanian, Chinese . She believes in strong family ties and community service to her Pacific Islander, Asian and Polynesian cultures. Jena is very active with her Catholic church and enjoys mentoring special needs and autistic students at her high school. She is also a sports medic and manager for her football team and will continue her education in sports medicine. Her passions are fashion, dance, travel, community service and outreach. A Polynesian dancer since age 2, Jena has performed and competed throughout CA, Las Vegas, Hawaii and was invited to spend the summer of 2015 performing in Tahiti for their annual Heiva.
This Is the Woman Who Was Crowned Miss Asia International Last Night by MAIP
Queequeg removed himself to just beyond the head of the sleeper, and lighted his tomahawk pipe. We kept the pipe passing over the sleeper, from one to the other.
Donec Nulla Ultrices Tellus Tincidunt Blandit by MAIP
Queequeg removed himself to just beyond the head of the sleeper, and lighted his tomahawk pipe. We kept the pipe passing over the sleeper, from one to the other.
Donec Nulla Ultrices Tellus Tincidunt Blandit by MAIP
Queequeg removed himself to just beyond the head of the sleeper, and lighted his tomahawk pipe. We kept the pipe passing over the sleeper, from one to the other.
Donec Nulla Ultrices Tellus Tincidunt Blandit by MAIP
Queequeg removed himself to just beyond the head of the sleeper, and lighted his tomahawk pipe. We kept the pipe passing over the sleeper, from one to the other.
Donec Nulla Ultrices Tellus Tincidunt Blandit by MAIP
Queequeg removed himself to just beyond the head of the sleeper, and lighted his tomahawk pipe. We kept the pipe passing over the sleeper, from one to the other.
2015世界亚裔小姐选美大赛总决赛成功拉下帷幕 by MAIP
2015世界亚裔小姐选美大赛(Miss Asia International)总决赛成功拉下了帷幕,朱亚娜(Zhu Yana图中)夺冠,胡静 (Hu Jing图左)夺得亚军,李柏蓉 (Li Bairong)荣获季军(图右)。
美国国际商会亚太委员会主席、世界亚裔小姐选美大赛组委会执行主席杰森‧昆恩(Jason Quin)并宣布2015大赛获奖佳丽名单。获前十的选手是朱悦 (Zhu Yue)、刘思瑶(Liu Siyao)、顾玮婷 (Gu Weiting)、吕雪 (Lu Xue)、路瑶 (m Lu Yao)、韩昕怡 (Han Xingyi)、马儒 (Ma Ru)、吴美佳 (Wu Meijia)、安贝拉 (An Beila)、隋欣欣 (Sui Xinxin)。
执行主席杰森‧奎恩表示,美国国际商会 (American International Chamber of Commerce)主办的世界亚裔小姐大赛,起始于八十年代,是世界知名的亚裔选美盛典,2016年将迎来第28届大赛。
美国国际商会总裁英格‧斯娃瑟勒女士 (Inge Sawerthal )表示,美国国际商会期望有更多的国际佳丽参与2016世界亚裔小姐选美大赛。
2008年世界亚裔小姐选美大赛中国区总决赛在北京隆重举办启动仪式 by MAIP
组织严密 操作规范
嘉宾云集 支持踊跃
左起 刘吉部长 陈爱莲会长 杨丽丽会长 于洋会长及杨静老师 张金玲会长亲临新闻发布会
主题鲜明 活动丰富
亮点多多 异彩纷呈
待遇优厚 前景光明
2008年世界亚裔小姐大赛中国区总决赛拉开帷幕 by MAIP
2006年第18届世界亚裔小姐选美大赛中国区总决赛 by MAIP
2006年第18届世界亚裔小姐大赛中国区总决赛在北京成功落下帷幕 by MAIP
11月11日晚,2006第18届世界亚裔小姐大赛中国区总决赛在北京举行, 来自全国各分赛区成功晋级中国区总决赛的27位亚裔佳丽经过激烈的角逐,决出冠亚季军和各单项大奖。27名来自中国各省市晋级总决赛的选手佳丽参与泳装、民族服装和晚装三个环节的激烈角逐。世界亚裔小姐大赛(MIss Asia International )诞生于美国,隶属于美国国际商会(AICC),是国际上最具有知名度的选美文化盛典之一,至2006年已成功举办了17届。2006年首次落地中国,也是首次在美国以外的其它国家举办。
2006年世界亚裔小姐北京区20强诞生 by MAIP
Welcome Join to Miss Asia International by MAIP
Miss Asia International beauty pageant began in and became part of the American society in the 1980’s and competition in USA originated as a marketing event going to Asian country from in 2000’s, Miss Asia International beauty pageant was organized and title under operated that by a non-profit organizations American International Chamber of Commerce owner who wanted to promote the development of international trade, investment, tourism, cultural industry and related to sustainable development between United States and other countries.
Miss Asia International beauty pageant is a women’s empowerment principles: equality means business, Miss Asia International beauty pageant through the event to increase empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to build stronger economies, achieve internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for women, families and communities.
Miss Asia International beauty pageant is efforts to advance gender equality and empower women. Current research demonstrating that gender diversity helps business perform better signals that self-interest and common interest can come together. Yet, ensuring the inclusion of women’s talents, skills and energies – from executive offices to the factory floor and the supply chain – requires intentional actions and deliberate policies.
Miss Asia International beauty pageant through the event to increase the women’s empowerment principles offer practical guidance to business and the private sector on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. AICC developed through a partnership between UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact, the principles are designed the pageant to support companies in reviewing existing policies and practices – or establishing new ones – to realize women’s empowerment.
Dreams can be true and do start from Miss Asia International beauty pageant, a movie, book or even a person; Lets start acting out your dream. There is opportunity to compete for a prestigious great international beauty pageant title – Miss Asia International.
All members interested in serving at the Miss Asia International beauty pageant are welcome to contact our office about joining committees. You are welcome to join us for the pageant. Sponsorship opportunities are available for Miss Asia International Beauty Pageant, the great beauty pageant event to represent your business on behalf of the sponsors – an ideal way to promote and expand awareness of your company and products or services.
Welcome join to Miss Asia International and Compete for the Crown!
For more information about Miss Asia International beauty pageant great events, welcome visit our following official websites at:
Holmes Stoner
American International Chamber of Commerce